Earl Nightingale once said that not one man or woman in a hundred
on the street could name what life comes down to with ease and
understanding easily. Well, I can do it in one simple sentence: What we
genuinely focus on, we genuinely get. But it is what comes after that
simple sentence that is the real meat of the article. Think, we do
become what we think about, but more importantly, what we genuinely
focus on, we genuinely get without exception.
Sure, many,
including myself at one time, gave total and powerful "lip and jaw
service" to "we become what we think about". But, the difference between
me and most others is that I have expanded and deepened the meaning in
my mind and spirit to come down to focusing my mind and spirit like a
magnifying glass with the sun shining through it to start a genuine fire
if you get my thinking and being, here.
Sure, I could dismiss the
realities of motivation as "something that works for those
practitioners who get it right the first time", but I take it as
something that works for people who put in the genuine persistence to
make it all work. Indeed, I do not genuinely believe in luck, except
when we work hard enough to get great luck, not just good luck that
comes to the fortunate at the start like a lottery winner that wins a
million dollars with the first ticket they play. I believe in the kind
of luck that earns a billion dollars through productive persistence and really trying and doing and all of that.
Nightingale, near the end of his "The Strangest Secret" program writes
and talks about an experiment to succeed, well I write here about a way
of life to genuinely succeed ultimately and permanently through never
quitting, never acknowledging "impossible", and always thinking
creatively, especially when "in a corner". The best winnings come to
those who do not just attempt, but, follow through with total and
complete zeal of going for the genuine desire of what is wanted. This,
indeed, is life, and this indeed is what it all comes down to.
does not come down to the fortunate few who get it all on the first
try. It comes down to those who are willing to persist until they
permanently and succinctly succeed through full repeatable understanding
of what they are doing. Sure, I could make my philosophy less obvious,
and more glib, but real success comes through obvious persistence, not
mysterious luck from the start. As Joe Karbo and Richard Gilly Nixon
once said in their works, all the things that could normally be
considered advantages are actually disadvantages if success is
considered from the too normal perspective of "that lucky bum made it
easy." It is the hard repeatable, genuine work that is the advantage,
the persistence and perseverance of full understanding, not the easy
"lucky bum winning". With that said, make your moves as I am making
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